|  | |  | | |  |  | On June 10th, MFSA & UMKR present Israeli Annexation of Palestinian Land: Legalizing Apartheid? What seemed outrageous a few years ago may actually happen this year: Israeli leaders are now threatening to formally absorb large portions of the West Bank into Israel, applying Israeli sovereignty over that land absolutely and permanently. Find out: HOW would annexation of Palestinian land institutionalize apartheid? WHY has this Israeli plan suddenly moved forward? WHAT tools do we have to oppose this plan and push for justice? Jonathan Kuttab: Palestinian attorney and activist, recognized authority on international law, human rights, and Israeli and Palestinian affairs; founder of Palestine's award-winning human rights organization, Al Haq. Dalit Baum: Israeli activist and educator, Director of AFSC’s Economic Activism Program, feminist scholar and teacher in Israeli and U.S. universities, co-founder of Who Profits and Coalition of Women for Peace. HOSTED by Bridget Cabrera, MFSA Executive Director MODERATED by Rev. John Wagner, UMKR Co-Chair REGISTER SOON! CLICK THE LINK: www.tinyurl.com/Annexation-Apartheid | | | |  |  | Say "No!" to 21st Century Colonialism Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza have suffered for decades under Israeli occupation and oppression. Since 1967, Israel has ignored the UN Security Council's declaration that Israel must withdraw from the territories it claimed through warfare. While claiming it supports two states, Israel has continually violated international law and Palestinians' rights by moving 650,000 or more Jewish settlers into occupied Palestinian territory, building segregated cities for Israelis only on Palestinian land and building a segregated highway system to access these settlements. Now Israel is making plans for another, even more brazen rejection of human rights and the rule of law: formally annexing occupied Palestinian land. With the backing of the Trump administration, Israel seems poised to unilaterally declare that some or all of the West Bank is to be absorbed into the state of Israel permanently. Leaders in the U.S. government must take a stand against this appalling plan. Our elected officials should let Israel know that annexation is unacceptable, and that taking this step will have an impact on U.S. aid to Israel. Join thousands of church justice advocates and our partners who are sending this message to Congress. Tell your legislators to say "No" to Israeli annexation: CLICK THE RED BUTTON ▼ You will review the message before sending it. | | | Sharing is powerful! Share this alert on social media with these buttons...  | | | | Topics for webinars: tell us the ones you like best! Take just one minute for our anonymous survey! We've got some topics we are considering; tell us which ones you think are interesting. Or name your own! HELP US OUT...did we mention, this is anonymous, and incredibly short! CLICK HERE NOW | | | | We need a little more help from our friends. General Conference has been re-scheduled for 2021, which is closer than we think. UMKR still has BIG plans to reach thousands who will be attending, with national speakers, bold witness actions, compelling graphic materials, and an interactive display for visitors to learn about Palestinian rights! But these things can't happen unless we get help from supporters who believe in this work. Please give whatever you are able; it will be gratefully received. UMKR is an independent grassroots movement in our church, not an official body of the denomination, so we must depend on individual donors to keep our justice work going. Your donation is fully tax-deductible. | | | Was this email forwarded to you? | | | | UMKR is an international grassroots movement of laity and clergy in the United Methodist Church. We are responding to the Palestinian Christians' urgent call, in Kairos Palestine: A Moment of Truth, for effective action to end the Israeli occupation and achieve a just peace in the Holy Land. OUR GOAL: UMKR seeks – through nonviolent action and in partnership with the Christians of Palestine – freedom, equality, and justice for all Palestinians and Israelis. Learn more about UMKR | |  | | You have received this email because you have taken action with UMKR in the past or signed up for our news and action. If you would like to Unsubscribe or make any other changes in your subscription, just click "Manage Subscription" at the bottom of this email. Our email address: info@kairosresponse.org Our website: www.kairosresponse.org Mailing address, general correspondence: Rev. John Wagner, 120 South Broad Street, Middletown, OH 45044 Mailing address, donations and financial: William P. Aldrich, 42 Gaspee Point Drive, Warwick, RI 02888 Please make checks payable to our fiscal agent: Open Table of Christ UMC. Write on the memo line: UMKR | | | | | | |