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LABELS & LAWS: Silencing the Voices of Justice Israel's Orwellian lawfare protects crimes against humanity, criminalizes human rights, and perverts the course of justice Wednesday, 12 January 2022 10 am PT, 1 pm ET (US, Canada) / 5 pm GMT / 8 pm Palestine REGISTER HERE In October 2021, Israel shocked the world by officially designating six outstanding, respected Palestinian organizations as "terrorists," making them vulnerable to all the legal ramifications of that label, including Israel's draconian 2016 Counter-Terrorism law. That outrageous action was just the latest assault in the long history of Israeli lawfare against those who defend Palestinian human rights: manipulating legislation, political labels, and their own judicial system to muzzle human rights defenders, violate international law with impunity, and hide the reality of Israeli apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and brutal oppression. This panel discussion will look at the history of attacks on these groups, the latest developments, and the bigger picture of Israeli legal assaults against prominent human rights defenders and humanitarian organizations. Why these particular NGOs out of the hundreds in Palestine? What reasons does Israel give and what have these six groups been doing to become prime targets of the Israeli government? What has happened to them since Israel first took this step? Who else has been targeted by Israel's lawfare tactics and what happened to them? What can we expect from Israel on this front in 2022 and what can the global community do? See our panel of speakers below. OUR PANEL |
SAHAR FRANCIS General Director of Addameer, one of the organizations under attack ADDAMEER (Arabic for conscience) Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association is a Palestinian civil institution that works to support Palestinian political prisoners held in Israeli and Palestinian prisons. The center offers free legal aid to political prisoners, advocates their rights at the national and international level, and works to end torture and other violations of prisoners' rights. BRAD PARKER Senior Advisor, Policy and Advocacy at Defense for Children International - Palestine, one of the organizations under attack Defense for Children International - Palestine (DCIP) is an independent, local Palestinian child rights organization dedicated to defending and promoting the rights of children living in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. Since 1991, they have investigated, documented, and exposed grave human rights violations against children, provided legal services to children in urgent need, and advocated at the international and national levels to hold Israel accountable to universal human rights principles. JONATHAN KUTTAB International human rights attorney, Executive Director of Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA), co-founder of Al Haq, one of the organizations under attack Al-Haq is an independent Palestinian human rights organization based in Ramallah, West Bank. Established in 1979 to protect and promote human rights and the rule of law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), the organization has special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. Al-Haq documents violations of the individual and collective rights of Palestinians in the OPT and seeks to end such breaches by way of advocacy before national and international mechanisms and by holding the violators accountable. M. Theresa Basile (Moderator) UMKR Communications Director and co-founder, Board Member at Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA), former Steering Committee Member at US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR) ___________________________________________________________ Take a deep dive into one of the most important developments in Israel/Palestine in the last year - a "lawfare" practice that is also circling the globe - with three seasoned and dedicated human rights defenders. CLICK THE BUTTON TO RESERVE YOUR SPACE NOW: |