| | | The last few years have been a nightmare for the Palestinian people. |
| Huge expansion of illegal Israeli settlements with increasing destruction of Palestinian homes, buildings and agriculture, with a green light from the U.S.; the U.S. abetting Israel's illegal claims over East Jerusalem by moving the U.S. Embassy; the passage of Israel's Nation-State Law, aka "The Apartheid Law;" devastation to Palestinians' economy while the U.S. cruelly cuts all humanitarian aid, to blackmail Palestinians into accepting the Trump administration's hideous "Peace to Prosperity" deal; the looming annexation threat, Israel to declare sovereignty over parts of the West Bank; Israeli treaties with Arab nations who seem to abandon the Palestinians; a currently growing pandemic that the Palestinians' medical system in occupied territory is not prepared to meet; and Two million people in Gaza living every day in a terrifying humanitarian catastrophe under Israel's siege while the world just watches. |
| They desperately need the world to pay attention, even in the midst of a global pandemic. United Methodists must attend to what is happening in the Holy Land, if we believe God calls us to be peacemakers and to pursue “justice, only justice.” On October 14th, we have a perfect opportunity to do that, in a webinar presented by UMKR and MFSA: “Kairos Palestine and The Global Church: Standing at the Crossroads of 2020.” Participants will engage with two superb, highly knowledgeable speakers. Frankly, we think they are the best anyone could find for this subject. |
| Rifat Kassis is the founding General Coordinator of Kairos Palestine and also the worldwide movement, Global Kairos for Justice. Kassis is a co-author of the historic Kairos Palestine Document and a globally renowned spokesperson for the Palestinian Christian community. David Wildman, at the UMC General Board of Global Ministries, is Middle East Liaison and UN Representative for the United Methodist Church. He has visited the Holy Land many dozens of times and speaks with in-depth knowledge of both the Israeli and Palestinian people, their leaders, and the issues that concern them. |
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| Discussion topics will include: ➨ the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS) ➨ Kairos movements around the world, and ➨ the current political situation. WHY has Kairos Palestine issued an urgent new call, “Cry for Hope” - endorsed by several UMC bishops - in the midst of a pandemic? WHAT "decisive actions" are needed in 2020-21 and beyond? HOW can we and our church respond effectively? This webinar will also include a Question and Answer session with the speakers. |
| Don't miss this unique opportunity to hear from the founding leader of Kairos Palestine and the most knowledgeable staff on Israel/Palestine in the United Methodist Church! ⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎ Click the orange button now. |
| PLEASE SHARE! Let others know about this special opportunity ⬇︎  |
| | The MFSA-UMKR Webinar Series UMKR has worked for freedom, justice and equality for the Palestinian people for the past 10 years, and our partner MFSA for even longer. This year UMKR and MFSA have been presenting a series of webinars on a wide range of topics related to Israel/Palestine. Two in particular that we would recommend:  Rev. Drs. Stephen Sizer and Munther Isaac expose this destructive political theology, widely popular among evangelical Christians in the US, and the flawed bible teaching on which it is based. Watch "Christian Zionism"  UMC Bishop Hope Morgan Ward and Jewish American author and activist Mark Braverman considerhow the charge of bigotry is used as a weapon against activists for Palestinian human rights and how the church can respond Watch this webinar |
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| UMKR is an international grassroots movement of laity and clergy in the United Methodist Church. We are responding to the Palestinian Christians' urgent call, in Kairos Palestine: A Moment of Truth, for effective action to end the Israeli occupation and achieve a just peace in the Holy Land. OUR GOAL: UMKR seeks – through nonviolent action and in partnership with Christians in Palestine – freedom, equality, and justice for all Palestinians and Israelis. Learn more about UMKR |
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