|  | | This alert has two actions: 1. Endorse Cry for Hope, then COME BACK HERE to 2. Learn the truth about Christian Zionism (one of the actions in Cry for Hope). |
| |  | "We cannot serve God while remaining silent about the oppression of the Palestinians." Launched on 1 July 2020, CRY FOR HOPE is the biggest thing to come from Christians in Palestine since The Kairos Palestine Document. "Can you help us get our freedom back?” In 2009, the Palestinians called out to the world in THE KAIROS PALESTINE DOCUMENT: A MOMENT OF TRUTH." Kairos Palestine set in motion a global movement, rousing many churches to action and awakening civil society to the reality of Palestinian suffering. But the oppression and land theft did not stop. In 2020, CRY FOR HOPE joins with movements of oppressed peoples around the world. CRY FOR HOPE takes a stand against the politics and economics of EMPIRE: a global order of domination manifesting in racial, economic, cultural, and environmental oppression that threatens humanity and all of creation. CRY FOR HOPE calls on: churches, ecumenical organizations, concerned advocates from other faith traditions, and partners from all sectors of society to undertake these actions in the ways we can: - INITIATE processes at local, denominational and ecumenical levels that lead to decisive action regarding the denial of Palestinian rights.
- CONFRONT theologies and understandings of the Bible that justify the oppression of the Palestinian people.
- SUPPORT Palestinian resistance, including Boycott Divestment and Sanctions and direct political advocacy.
- DEMAND that governments and world bodies employ political, diplomatic and economic means to stop Israel’s violations of human rights and international law.
- OPPOSE equating criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism.
- SUPPORT initiatives between Israelis and Palestinians and interfaith partnerships that oppose apartheid and create opportunities to work together for justice and equality.
- COME AND SEE the reality in the Holy Land to stand in solidarity with grassroots initiatives for a just peace.
The Christians of Palestine and all Palestinians need YOUR solidarity: |
| | When you've done that, COME BACK HERE to see ⬇︎ the opportunity below: one of the key actions in Cry for Hope. ⬇︎ |
| Cry for Hope asks us to: Confront theology that is used to justify the oppression of the Palestinian people. They are talking about Christian Zionism and you can learn about it ⬇︎ in this webinar. ⬇︎ |
| |  | A Webinar on Christian Zionism Wednesday, 12 August 2020 10am Pacific, 1pm Eastern (US, Canada) / 6pm London / 8pm Palestine MFSA and UMKR present two scholars on CHRISTIAN ZIONISM, a disturbing political theology embraced by millions of Americans who now have a tremendous influence on U.S. policy regarding Israel/Palestine. Our speakers will help us understand: WHAT the theology of Christian Zionism is, WHY it is an inaccurate interpretation of Scripture, HOW it is harming Palestinian Christians and the entire Middle East peace process, and HOW to counter this theology in our churches. _________________________ OUR SPEAKERS: Rev. Dr. Stephen Sizer is ordained Anglican clergy and a celebrated authority on Christian Zionism. His books include: Christian Zionism: Roadmap to Armageddon and Zion's Christian Soldiers: The Bible, Israel and the Church. In 2006, he co-authored the "Jerusalem Declaration on Christian Zionism" for the Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in Jerusalem. Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac is Academic Dean of Bethlehem Bible College and pastor of Christmas Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bethlehem, Palestine. He is the author of From Land to Lands, from Eden to the Renewed Earth: A Christ-Centered Biblical Theology of the Promised Land and The Other Side of the Wall: A Palestinian Christian Narrative of Lament and Hope. Hosted by Bridget Cabrera, Executive Director of MFSA Moderated by Rev. Sara Webb Phillips, UMKR Steering Committee Coming soon ➣ this Wednesday, Aug 12th. Over 300 are registered! REGISTER NOW: |
| | Spread the word and grow the action: ⬇︎ SHARE this alert widely! ⬇︎  |
| | We need a little more help from our friends. General Conference has been re-scheduled for 2021, which is coming faster than we think. UMKR is working on BIG plans to reach thousands who will be attending from around the world: ~ national speakers, ~ bold witness actions, ~ compelling learning materials in several languages, and our ~ interactive display for visitors to learn about Palestinian rights! But these things can't happen unless we get help from supporters who believe in this work. UMKR is an independent grassroots movement in our church, not an official body of the denomination. So we must depend on individual donors to keep our justice work going. Your donation is fully tax-deductible. Please give whatever you are able; it will be gratefully received. |
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| UMKR is an international grassroots movement of laity and clergy in the United Methodist Church. We are responding to the Palestinian Christians' urgent call, in Kairos Palestine: A Moment of Truth, for effective action to end the Israeli occupation and achieve a just peace in the Holy Land. OUR GOAL: UMKR seeks – through nonviolent action and in partnership with Christians in Palestine – freedom, equality, and justice for all Palestinians and Israelis. Learn more about UMKR |
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You have received this email because you have taken action with UMKR in the past or signed up for our news and action. If you would like to Unsubscribe or make any other changes in your subscription, just click "Unsubscribe" at the bottom of this email. Our email address: info@kairosresponse.org Our website: www.kairosresponse.org Mailing address, general correspondence: Rev. John Wagner, 120 South Broad Street, Middletown, OH 45044 Mailing address, donations and financial: William P. Aldrich, 42 Gaspee Point Drive, Warwick, RI 02888 Please make checks payable to our fiscal agent: Open Table of Christ UMC. Write on the memo line: UMKR |
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